We are beginning a dynamic new year in May 2011. Sammie Wiggins, president for the past 5 years, is stepping down and will be replaced by Jack Becker. Sammie has pushed CCF into achievements we never thought possible. Her innovative manner of management inspires every board member. She demanded that we pull together as a "working" board and share our personal influence to encourage others to support us.

With three new members on the board who promise to show their leadership we have great aspirations to increase the scope of CCF this year. Dr. Steve Hayman has organized our Guardian Angel program and called on prominent citizens to pledge support to our kids. He reports that no one he called turned him down. We are amazed and blessed by this generosity.

Jack Becker is president of the MainStreet DeLand Association with a background in advertising, marketing and management. He is well known and liked throughout the business community of Volusia County. The board is impressed with his positive attitude toward the future and are ready to follow him to success for CCF.

This year Sammie will focus her efforts on the Red, White and Blue Gala and she has already completed hours of background preparation. He presence on the board has been the catalyst for our growth and effectiveness.

Founder, Don Hill, is continuing to do what only he can do. He is out in the trenches contacting our kids families, discussing their needs and finding ways to fulfill them. He attends bedside visits to our kids, Crazy Hat parties, end of chemo celebrations, and all the events that donate funding for CCF. From golf tourneys to shopping sprees, street parties, poker runs, pub crawls, fashion shows and basket sales ... Don is there.

We can't stop our efforts to help the children who are frightened and suffering because of cancer. Each one of our children has individual needs. Many families have to quit their jobs to take care of their tiny patients. Some of them cannot pay their utilities, have broken cars, don't have money for gas, and don't have a place to stay near their loved ones. If the worst comes many families cannot find the resources to lay their loved ones to rest.

Many of our kids are suffering from broken dreams that we do our best to solve. Be kind and donate to our reserves now. Our help is needed and we fill a niche that no one else has even recognized. These sick kids need hope and love and they need the generosity of CCF.