The need for financial support never goes away for families of/ and children who have childhood cancer. We wish you could hear the sad stories of the suffering the brothers, sisters and parents of the patients go through. Everyone has to keep up a positive front while crying inside.

A lot of people want to help individuals who need support and have inquired about ways to donate. We have established the Guardian Angel sponsorship program for special cases. Our Guardian Angels will stand by until called on to supply for a family or child in special circumstances such as:

  • Going out of remission a number of times
  • Reaching the maximum dollar amount we can contribute to one family in a year
  • Reaching the maximum age requirements while in treatment
  • And other unusual circumstances or additional family tragedy

Guardian Angels may contribute an unspecified amount to a special case, usually on a one-time basis. We turn to you for help when other means have been exhausted. A Guardian Angel may wish to contribute through one of the traditional methods and still remain on the GA list. Our hope is to have a list of GA’s so vast that we only have to ask one time. The subcommittee report on the Guardian Angel program is that we have not had a rejection from anyone we have approached. Some of our Guardian Angels have even made additional contributions that cover all our present patients.

However you choose to support CCF, we appreciate it with our hearts.

Dr. Steve Hayman, board member, is chairing this committee. Please notify Dr. Hayman or any board member and will contact you with the details. Thank you to those who have already joined and donated through the Guardian Angel program. You will be blessed for your love and generosity.